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I The Author(Tacuma G), Creator, and Editor of Saturn's Melody) did not just establish this site to be another new age awakening site, or truther site which spins half truths and false light paradigms to hinder, and give out false information... no this is not what this is about...


I've been editing, changing links, creating new pages, etc since (I) launched in 2018. I'm always watching, and reviewing reports from the discussion, and also seeking more information and beneficial facts, making this site a information and knowledge pool, where individuals can safely learn shattering truths about this mind mentality we call our reality also known as the Holographic Matrix, and browse under a secure database, and server while having the freedom to speak your minds about topics or anything within the Discussion pages while following the rules and regulations of this web page. This site is not like another truther site revealing information and knowledge that is insignificant and irrelevant to the nature of the true reality around us, but rather this site reveals never before seen or heard information that is lost to many and unknown to some. Our community helps us make sure this is the safest, most effective web page around.

It will be hard to accept that ALL ends. No one here can be healed. DNA is flawed. Energy, vibrations, ALL are compromised. Your awakening is to prolong the delusion, to postpone the inevitable. No kindness, calmness or shedding of layers will help ultimately. The script (Scripture) doesn’t include a peace deal (happy ending) with the psychopath. He has made sure everything is as messed up as it can get. He is taking down everything with him (we are mixed with him) and he knows it but hasn’t made it public. Instead, he lies about everything. Everything. Yeshua of Nazareth with his Father Christ, and his Father’s Father Ahman is the ‘portal’ out of here. Not the benign alien races, or the ‘programmers’ or ‘controllers’ or advisors. They’re all on the same team. Whether they know it or not. Don’t be fooled by their disclosures and their knowledge on how the ‘system’ operates. They know much but will never reveal the most pertinent part. Wishing you all the best.


Advanced Wisdom and Knowledge of all Ages in the Links below for those who are serious enough to survive the last ages, for the past will be re-awakened as everyone online appears UN-informed to me now trapped within the Weak Days: the weakened state of this world and its inhabitants within the delusion of days(daze) brought from the great deception from the old daze and will be here within the future daze delusions at the end of DAYS.


For have you ever wondered how it all began? You know… how this existence you call life came into being? The Decode of the Bible has the answers. As you learned in previous chapters, it all began with the WORD OF God(Adamilus and Evelah), GO BELOW, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" "The אלהים who exists first does not need anything from the one who is later" for reality is an advanced Simulation running the Biblical Story-Line within the creator.


Just a nobody

Telling everybody

About somebody


Can save anybody

Their names are Pistis Sophia & Jesus Christ.


Hey you Viewer...


Your religion is becoming real because it is emerging from the slavery of fear and the bondage of superstition. Your philosophy struggles for emancipation from dogma and tradition. Your science is engaged in the age long contest between truth and error while it fights for deliverance from the bondage of abstraction, the slavery of mathematics, and the relative blindness of mechanistic materialism.


But the cornerstone of his deceit shall you cause to stumble, to turn aside forever; making as nothing that very Bible which the Demiurge would use to make fearful the souls of men; setting at naught the fierceness of his wrath whereby he might take captive the souls of all who would yield before him who knew not God(Christ) nor the Father(Adamilus).


The kingdom falls,

In this world of babblings

That holds nothing:


“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”


And finding my feet placed firmly in some darkened world made pale and gray by distant stars, I felt the coming forth of that Dread Lord before whom all bows.

Must mankind remain within the imprisonment of obedient restrictive conformity ? Will we continue to fail to think independently, inquiring close to Nothing. 


Consider how there are given many great and holy books. Why, therefore, has the house of Christ behaved presumptuously?

For they have proclaimed to the world that the Bible is the greater, being the only word of God unto the children of men; while all others are false and filled with evil.

Why have the preachers of religion proclaimed aloud that except a man be of the house of Christ, they shall perish forever in great torment?

Truly I speak unto you the will of the Father, that there shall not be so much as one child to perish by reason of such priestcrafts as these men proclaim. For the love of the Father is sufficient even unto the weakest of the children of men.

Wisdom 26:23-26

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